Snåla SAS

Ibland skickar jag in insändare till tidningar. De blir aldrig publicerade, men det är kul att försöka. Den här handlade om SAS strejken.

Alla som har flugit vet hur stressande det kan vara att sitta på ett kvalmigt fullpackat försenat charterplan. Det är inget mot att ha det som sin ständiga arbetsplats. Kabinpersonalen förtjänar pauser och lunchpauser och att SAS nekar dem detta är dåligt. SAS gick med över en miljard i vinst förra året så de har råd att ge sina anställda drägliga anställningsvillkor. Att de har ratat kabinpersonalens bud är inget annat än ren och skär snålhet.

Tools for GtkImageView

I have decided that I want to extend the GtkImageView widget to make it extensible. Right now, it handles showing images that you can zoom in on and drag around. It will be extended so that you can do the following things:

  • Drag a selection on the widget. Very similar to how gThumbs Image->Crop dialog works.
  • Various kinds of drawing operations.

I thought about implementing this as "tools":

|            | 1     1 +-------------+
|GtkImageView| ------> |GtkIImageTool|
|            |         +-------------+
+------------+              |_____________________
                           /                      |
                 +-------------------+ +--------------------+
                 |GtkImageToolDragger| |GtkImageToolSelector|
                 +-------------------+ +--------------------+

In this diagram, GtkImageView has a reference to a GtkIImageTool which is an interface that abstracts out certain behaviour of GtkImageView. GtkImageToolDragger and GtkImageToolSelector are two concrete implementations of the GtkIImageTool interface. When GtkImageView references a GtkImageToolDragger, it behaves like normal. You have a hand cursor and can drag the image. When GtkImageView references a GtkImageToolSelector, it instead displays a selection cursor and you can make a rectangular selection on the image.

Using this arrangement, it is now possible to dynamically alter the behaviour of GtkImageView.

GtkImageView *view = GTK_IMAGE_VIEW (gtk_image_view_new ()); GtkImageToolSelector *selector = gtk_image_tool_selector_new (); gtk_image_view_set_tool (view, selector); /* The user can now make some selections on the image. We can query which area of the image that is selected. */ GdkRectangle rect; if (!gtk_image_tool_selector_get_selection (selector, &rect)) printf ("Nothing is selected!\n"); else printf ("You selected (%d, %d)-(%d, %d)\n", rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);

It should be possible to achieve this, but the interface that GtkIImageTool will specify, might become to fat.

/* These are needed because the tool needs to be able to decide what happens when mouse events occur. */ gtk_iimage_tool_button_press () gtk_iimage_tool_button_release () gtk_iimage_tool_motion_notify () /* The tool needs to decide what the default cursor is. */ gtk_iimage_tool_get_default_cursor () /* The tool may need to do something when the pixbuf of the view is changed. */ gtk_iimage_tool_set_pixbuf () /* The tool will want to draw the image in a special way. */ gtk_iimage_tool_draw_pixbuf_data () /* The tool will want to tell GtkImageNav how the image data should be drawn as a thumbnail. */ gtk_iimage_tool_get_display_pixbuf ()

Tired of DocBook

Spent some time trying to find out how to write definition lists in DocBook. DocBook is the markup language used by gtk-doc and consequently the tool I am using for writing documentation for GtkImageView.

... And I am very, VERY sick of it. It turns out it was fairly simple (heh), all you have to do to create a list of directories and paragraphs is this:

<variablelist><title>Font Filename Extensions</title> <varlistentry><term><filename>TTF</filename></term> <listitem> <para> TrueType fonts. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry><term><filename>PFA</filename></term> <term><filename>PFB</filename></term> <listitem> <para> PostScript fonts. <filename>PFA</filename> files are common on <acronym>UNIX</acronym> systems, <filename>PFB</filename> files are more common on Windows systems. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist>

The result is almost exactly what you could have accomplised using this HTML:

<dl> <lh>Font Filename Extension</lh> <dt><tt>TTF</tt></dt> <dd>TrueType fonts.</dd> <dt><tt>PFA, PFB</tt></dt> <dd>PostScript fonts. <tt>PFA</tt> files are common on UNIX systems, <tt>PFB</tt> files are more common on Windows systems.</dd> </dl>

And of course, even less markup is needed if you use reStructuredText.

My search for a decent documentation writing system continues.
