Patch advertisement

Just advertising the patch at #103811. Actually it is an old patch from Søren Sandmann and I have just updated it to work with latest GTK+. It is an old patch but the smooth scrolling feature is so kick ass. It would GNOME look so much better.

Python-devvers rock!

I don't know exactly why, but this thread made me really happy and warm inside. :) The people developing Python are the most pleasant free software developers imaginable.

GtkImageView 1.6.1

I probably should go to sleep but I have to blog about it. I just released GtkImageView 1.6.1 and PyGtkImageView 1.1.0. It almost was a perfect release except that Epydoc failed to generate a PDF for the Python documentation. I hope Jeffrey is about ready to release the Perl bindings and then hopefully Andreas will also make some nice gtkmm bindings.

All in all, GtkImageView is quite mature now. Time for me to think about the next step... I'd like to replace the GdkPixbuf backend with Cairo. Then I'd make a totally kickass painting application out of it.

Good job Björn! Now I'm done.


Jag känner mig ganska nöjd med mig själv. Sprang 3.75 km och rodde 2 km på gymmet idag. När jag spänner magmusklerna kan man precis urskilja början till rutor. Men det är en hel del magfett kvar. Resten fixar jag imorgon eller på tisdag. Helgens diet bestod mest av chips, jordnötsringar och blåbärspaj så jag har en del att ta igen. Fan vad magen blir konstig av chips. Det måste vara något konstigt vegetabiliskt fett i det som jag inte tål.
